Friday, June 24, 2011

Coding Guidelines part2

Code Naming Basics

* It's include the naming of classes, methods,functions and other elements of a programmatic interfaces.

General Principles


* Its is good to be both clear and brief as possible.

 * Clarity shouldn't suffer became of brevity  

* In general, don’t abbreviate names of things. Spell them out, even if they’re long:

Coding Guidelines part1

Coding Guidelines

Coding Guidelines 

* It will help you to make your interfaces constant and clear.
* It is also important with frameworks such as version, binary comparability, error handling and memory management.
This topic include information on both naming convention and recommended programming practices.

This article include the naming convention in two group.

Ist Group 

* Code naming Basics.
* Naming Methods.
* Naming  Functions.
* Acceptable Abbreviation and Acronyms.
*  Naming of Instance Variables and Data Types.

2nd Group 

* Tips and Tricks for developers.

read More about the Coding Guidelines 

Coding Guidelines part2